• Devet rešitev za bolj živahna in produktivna mesta

    V nadaljevanju navedeni lokalni ukrepi za spodbujanje participacije in produktivnosti navdihujejo mesta po vsej EU. Bi delovali tudi v vašem mestu?


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  • Devet načinov, kako lahko mesta postanejo pravičnejša in vključujoča

    V nadaljevanju navedeni lokalni ukrepi za pravičnejšo družbo navdihujejo mesta po vsej EU. Bi delovali tudi v vašem mestu?


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  • Cities nurturing local food systems to fight climate change

    As COP28 had an unprecedented focus on the role of food systems, we look back at how URBACT cities helped put the issue on the table. 

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • Mesta mestom: Ko pokopališče postane park

    Alternativne oblike pokopov in obeležij z manjšim vplivom na okolje.


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  • City video URGE: Prato

    The seventh of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

    City of Utrecht

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  • Ventspils pilsēta aktīvi strādā pie digitālās transformācijas

    Mēs dzīvojam sarežģītā, strauji mainīgā pasaulē, kur sociālās, ekonomiskās un politiskās normas tiek pastāvīgi pārskatītas. Ekonomiskās izaugsmes un nodarbinātības paātrināšana, demogrāfiskās pārmaiņas, zinātnes un tehnoloģiju attīstība un cīņa pret klimata pārmaiņām ir tikai daži no mūsu izaicinājumiem. Digitālā transformācija – jeb pārmaiņas, kas saistītas ar digitālo tehnoloģiju pielietošanu visos cilvēku sabiedrības aspektos – arī ir daļa no šīs vīzijas.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Πρόγραμμα DigiPlace: Επί τάπητος ψηφιακές λύσεις και on line περιήγηση στα Τρίκαλα

    Με on line περιήγηση ενημερώθηκαν για τον Δήμο Τρικκαίων και τις τεχνολογικές του δράσεις, οι εταίροι δικτύου στο οποίο συμμετέχουν ο Δήμος και η e-trikala Α.Ε. Πρόκειται για το δίκτυο DigiPlace, το οποίο, στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος URBACT, αποτελεί πεδίο συζήτησης και εύρεσης λύσεων για την ψηφιακή μετάβαση Ευρωπαϊκών πόλεων.


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  • Study Visit URBACT - Un pomeriggio tra progetti e azioni di sviluppo urbano sostenibile a Parma

    L’Assemblea annuale ANCI rappresenta il principale appuntamento in cui approfondire i temi legati al futuro delle città e al ruolo dei contesti urbani nel rilancio dell’Italia. Come da tradizione, URBACT è presente in Assemblea con una serie di attività che puntano a raccontare la vivacità delle città che prendono parte alle reti finanziate dal principale programma europeo per lo sviluppo urbano sostenibile.


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  • ROOF Winter School Report

    From the 3rd till the 5th of March 2021 the URBACT ROOF team brought together guests from across Europe to participate in our first ever Winter School hosted by the city of Braga, Portugal and co-hosted by Thessaloniki in Greece and Toulouse Métropole in France. The three-day event, hosted online due to the on-going pandemic, featured speakers from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Portugal and Scotland. The Winter School offered a unique opportunity to gain insight in and converse with the ROOF partners and beyond on topics such as:
    •Road towards Housing First
    •Support models
    •Working together with organisations and stakeholders
    •Data collection

    This report will break down the Winter School, the key messages and takeaways from each of the classes.

    Hannelore Bonami

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