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  • Braga first transnational meeting

    Cities After Dark: exploring night-time urban dynamics

    Cities After Dark: exploring night-time urban dynamics


    Cities are designed to work well during the day, but what happens when night falls? Several activities happen between 6 pm and 6 am, including dining, entertainment, culture and retail but also services such as public transport, healthcare, environmental care, social services, and logistics.

    Many cities globally have a significant number of people working at night. For example, New York City has 300,000 jobs supported by night-time economy, while in London it contributes to 1 in every 8 jobs. However, this isn’t just a concern for major cities. Cities of different sizes are investing on an inclusive and multifaceted night-time economy, which contributes to improve city attractiveness and quality of life and fosters new forms of economic and social development. 

    Nuno Almeida

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  • group_photo_alytus

    Alytus meeting

    C4TALENT recently held its first face-to-face "Ready for Action" meeting in Alytus, Lithuania on November 22-23.

    Lead Expert Béla Kézy's summary on the event:


    Zoltán Szenes

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  • A road next to a train that crosses the tracks.

    Measuring the steps (even small ones) towards gender equality

    Discover how cities are at the forefront of the gender-climate nexus.


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  • Проектът на Община Бургас за създаване на Център за съвременно изкуство и библиотека е отличен от Европейската комисия в конкурса RegioStars awards 2023

    По информация от БТА

    Проект на Община Бургас получи Наградата на публиката в престижния конкурс RЕGIOSTARS 2023


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  • Jelgavas novada pašvaldība akcentē prasmju attīstīšanu sabiedrības digitālās plaisas mazināšanai

    Laikā no 13. līdz 15. novembrim Jelgavas novada pašvaldības pārstāvji piedalījās URBACT IV programmas projekta “Digi-Inclusion” partneru darba sanāksmē, kuru organizēja projekta vadošais partneris - Mollet del Vallès pašvaldība Spānijā.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Leaving No-one Behind in a Digital World

    Technology is a marvellous thing. The Covid-19 pandemic has helped us to take a huge leap forward in embracing digital technology in all walks of life. From remote working, to online shopping, to greater acceptance of digital signatures, submitting our tax forms online, video-calling our friends and family in other countries with just a few clicks, using digital tickets for trains and buses, social gaming with our friends online, and fast contactless payments with one tap of our smartphone. Life has never been smoother.


    Or has it….?


    Digital solutions are making a huge difference to our lives. But not everyone experiences those differences in a positive way. What if you don’t have a smartphone? Or don’t have internet at home? What if you’ve never learnt to use a PC or tablet? What if you fear getting scammed and your money stolen, like your friend did last year…?!

    For so many people in our communities, technology is not a marvellous thing – it’s something which makes them feel excluded and makes life more difficult.

    Ian Graham

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