What's new

Check URBACT's latest stories, updates and events!


  • ROOF Methodology - Why arts?

    The ROOF Call for Artists project - how did we do it?

    The fields of arts/creativity and homelessness don’t immediately seem to fit together – one is about celebration, joy, expression; the other about poverty, trauma, isolation. And yet, these worlds are colliding together more and more in powerful and unexpected ways. 


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  • Zaregistrujte sa na URBACT workshopy počas EURegionsWeek!

    Máte jedinečnú možnosť zaregistrovať sa a zúčastníť sa 20. ročníku Európskeho týždňa regiónov a miest, ktorý sa uskutoční hlavne online od 10. do 13. októbra 2022.

    Matus Zak

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  • Tourism-Friendly Cities Manifesto launched

    TOURISM-FRIENDLY CITIES is an Action Planning Network aimed at exploring how tourism can be made sustainable in medium-sized cities

    Karl Murphy

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  • URBACT caută sprijin de specialitate pentru a evalua cinci inițiative naționale de transfer de practici!

    Programul URBACT caută sprijin din partea experților externi pentru a evalua rezultatele celor cinci Inițiative naționale de transfer de practici (NPTI) care au fost lansate în iunie 2021 și care se vor încheia în decembrie 2022.  În mod specific, contractantul va investiga utilitatea acestor inițiative, impactul și rezultatele la nivel local și va prezenta lecțiile cheie pentru a contribui la fundamentarea oricăror inițiative viitoare în cadrul URBACT IV.

    Mihaela Florea

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  • Event
    BioCanteens#2 A Table event

    A Table! Mouans-Sartoux Food Forum



    The objective is to gather and create a common diaglogue between the European local authorities around the topic of food sovreignity and democracy. Cities are a major actor in the development and construction of sustainable food policies and their commitment is already a day-to-day reality with concrete actions that are beneficial for the climate, the environment and the health of people. This is why we believe it is essential that their voices are heard and that their experiences inspire European policies.  


  • L'éligibilité des dépenses - fonds européens

    Document d’appui méthodologique sur l’éligibilité des dépenses cofinancées par les fonds européens période de programmation 2021-2027

    L’Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires propose un guide pratique sur l’éligibilité des dépenses cofinancées par l’Union européenne pour la période 2021-2027. Un ouvrage utile aux porteurs de projets, notamment les collectivités.

    Mathieu Copere

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