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  • More sustainable and healthy meal at the canteen

    Liège fait de la commande publique la clé d'un système alimentaire local et durable

    Liège se repose sur les marchés publics dans le cadre d'un système alimentaire plus local, saisonnier et durable.

    François Jégou

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  • gdrg

    Interreg 2027+ küsitlus - sinu arvamus on oluline!

    Alates 2002. aastast on URBACT võimaldanud koostööd ja teadmiste vahetamist linnade vahel. Seni on URBACTis osalenud enam kui 1000 linna enam kui 150 võrgustikus, jagades ühist arusaama ja nägemust säästvast ja integreeritud linnaarengust. Käesolev küsitlus aitab meil näidata sellise koostöö eeliseid ja parandada võimaluste pakkumist linnadele.

    Annika Vaiko

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  • Where are you travelling today?

    Ensuring you have the data you need to describe the new mobility

    Santamaria-Varas Mar

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  • ART as the inspiration for urban actions of sustainable change: The municipal theater of Plasencia hosts a play about depopulation

    Art has always been a powerful tool and has had a strong voice in describing important social issues. That's why the City of Plasencia, member of Residents of the Future URBACT network, hosts a play in municipal theater that deals with depopulation, and to which the members of the local ULG have been invited. 

    Petar Mišura

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  • Nikolina Gracin, City of Sibenik

    Through URBACT, we are seeking answers to the question of how the city can retain existing residents and attract new ones

    City of Šibenik has an extensive experience implementing EU funded projects, including the URBACT programme. In the previous period, Šibenik was partner in four citizens networks. Now, they took a role as a Lead Partner in the network "Residents of the Future". On this occasion, we spoke with Nikolina Gracin, a representative of the City of Šibenik and the coordinator of the Network. The interview was conducted for URBACT Croatia by Lucija Jusup, an advisor at the Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia. You can find the entire article in Croatian language at the following link: >> URBACT Croatia

    Petar Mišura

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  • As cidades europeias impulsionam a mudança através das Redes URBACT de Planeamento de Ação


    Conheça as áreas de ação e as últimas novidades destas 30 redes URBACT.

    Maria José Efigénio

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