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On the occasion of the launch of the first call for proposals for URBACT Action Planning Networks, the Ministry of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia as the National Authority for the URBACT Programme in Serbia and the Standing Conference of Cities and Municipalities are organising an online Info Day on January 17, 2023, from 11:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m.
The session will be in the national language. Interested participants can register through the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsf-yorzwvG9wFTlm31ei3oPNVAusWdUmb
EventURBACT Infoday Portugal 2023
O Infoday será dedicado ao concurso para Redes de Planeamento de Ação, lançado no dia 9 de janeiro e aberto até ao dia 31 de março, para apresentação de candidaturas de redes constituídas por 8 a 10 cidades europeias – municípios, empresas municipais, entidades intermunicipais ou regionais – de diferentes países europeus.