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  • Turning crisis into opportunity! What the URBACT Mid-Term-Review tells us about future-proofing joined local action for our CITIES4CSR partnership

    Our CITIES4CSR URBACT Action Planning Network endeavours to develop comprehensive municipal strategies to foster and stimulate corporate social responsibility (CSR) in urban areas across Europe. Put differently, it is about improving awareness, understandings, engagement and collaboration across local CSR-eco-systems, and strengthening the guiding role and steering capacities of municipalities.

    Alessia Dagradi

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  • Ανακοινώθηκε το URBACT City Festival 2022!

    Το URBACT City Festival 2022 θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Pantin / Παρίσι (Γαλλία) στις 14, 15 και 16 Ιουνίου 2022. ΚΡΑΤΗΣΤΕ ΤΗΝ ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ ΣΤΟ ΗΜΕΡΟΛΟΓΙΟ ΣΑΣ!


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  • From gaming for geeks to gamification for growth

    When we think of gaming, we probably have an image in our mind of a young person sitting in front of a screen using a console. However, the gaming industry is serious stuff – it’s valued at over $300bn globally and increasingly companies are turning to gaming to support their development and growth. This was the focus of the TechRevolution 2.0. full network meeting which took place in November 2021 at the PISMO gaming incubator in Novska, Croatia.

    This article sets out some of the benefits of gamification of industry, presents a couple of examples from Croatian startups, outlines the approach being taken by Novska to grow its gaming sector and explores the role of cities more generally.

    Matthew Snowden

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  • Small Scale Actions: an URBACT innovation helping cities experiment local solutions

    From community assemblies to green city walks, trials are improving urban policymaking across the EU.

    Sally Kneeshaw

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  • My Green Week in Grosseto

    Ten European cities met at the end of November in Grosseto to discover the city and to plan strategies about the revitalization of the historical centres. the visit has been carried out in the within of the plan “I Place”, which involves Grosseto Municipality with nine other European cities, with the aim of proposing sustainable economic development strategies and an integrated action plan aimed at enhancing market niches and generating ecosystems of urban innovation.

    Sonia Files

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  • URBACT Pilsētu festivāls šogad notiks Parīzē no 14. līdz 16. jūnijam!

    Ar prieku paziņojam, ka URBACT Pilsētu festivāls 2022 notiks klātienē – Pantinā, Parīzē (Francijā) 2022. gada 14., 15. un 16. jūnijā. Aicinām atzīmēt šo laiku sev kalendārā!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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