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  • Заповядайте на Фестивала на градовете по Програма УРБАКТ 2022!

    Заявете своевременно участие на Фестивала, 14-16 юни, Голям Париж. Този път – присъствено и … въглеродно-неутрално


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  • Творческа бюрокрация

    Творческата бюрокрация не е оксиморон


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  • Vegyél részt a 2022-es URBACT Városfesztiválon!

    Az URBACT Városfesztivál Párizs mellett, Pantinban lesz június 14-16-án, ezúttal személyesen - és szén-dioxid semlegesen...


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Smart cities, innovation and gender equality

    How is smart cities, innovation and technological development connected to gender equality? What are the critical questions we have to ask ourselves?


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  • How BioCanteens accelerated local food initiatives in Liège? 

    The particularity of the Transfer of Good Practices, promoted in the URBACT Transfer Networks, is that they play a different role depending on the Partner City. In some cases, it kicks starts a transformation process and helps  set the basis of a resilient project. In other cases, it is an accelerator of a local dynamic with a long history behind it. This is the case of Liège, the civil society and political panorama was already shaping a food policy framework at the local level. "BioCanteens#2 arrived at the perfect moment for us, because we were ready to quickly learn and react to innovation", says the Coordinator of BioCanteens#2 from the City of Liège. 

    Clara Garrone

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  • Telling the story of Gendered Landscapes

    Cities are places with inherent power structures and challenges but also places where innovations and solutions arise. How do we communicate the nuances and the complexity of cities in a comprehensive and engaging way? How do we revive the spirit of the physical place and the ownership of integrated strategies for our cities? On our transnational meeting with the Gendered Landscape network in March, we had an afternoon with a focus on how to tell the story of the Gendered Landscape. The workshop was led by Simone D’Antonio, URBACT expert on storytelling.


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