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  • Parma, dall’esperienza europea di URBACT, UIA e Agenda urbana europea alla programmazione 2021-2027

    Un centinaio tra Sindaci, amministratori, funzionari delle Città italiane hanno preso parte questa mattina a Parma al terzo incontro annuale della Rete italiana delle Città URBACT, Urban Innovative Actions e Agenda urbana per l’UE per fare il punto sulla programmazione 2014-2021 e confrontarsi sulle nuove opportunità di finanziamento di quella 2021-2027 per lo sviluppo urbano sostenibile.


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  • Urban Local Group The Hague: the next step towards their resource center

    On the 28th of October the ULG-members (Urban Local Group) of The Hague organized a session to put their vision on the URBACT Resourceful Cities trajectory into writing. The ULG exists of local entrepreneurs, teachers, students, and the municipality of The Hague.

    Amy Jansen

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  • Klaipeda Case Study: Virtual hackathon “Unlock SDGs”

    To achieve Agenda 2030 and make sure that we leave no one behind, everyone needs to get involved in the work towards a more sustainable world. Youth continuously are an important factor in this work. The Klaipeda city has Forum of Youth Ambassadors, which is a new body put in place with the hope of creating lasting and strong youth engagement. The forum is designed to generate ideas for the Youth Affairs Council of Klaipėda, which consists of 7 youth representatives and 7 municipal representatives.  This process is in progress according to national law.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Devet rešitev za bolj živahna in produktivna mesta

    V nadaljevanju navedeni lokalni ukrepi za spodbujanje participacije in produktivnosti navdihujejo mesta po vsej EU. Bi delovali tudi v vašem mestu?


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  • Devet načinov, kako lahko mesta postanejo pravičnejša in vključujoča

    V nadaljevanju navedeni lokalni ukrepi za pravičnejšo družbo navdihujejo mesta po vsej EU. Bi delovali tudi v vašem mestu?


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  • Cities nurturing local food systems to fight climate change

    As COP28 had an unprecedented focus on the role of food systems, we look back at how URBACT cities helped put the issue on the table. 

    Marcelline Bonneau

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