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  • Η ιστορία του Δήμου Λαρισαίων: το Δίκτυο Μεταφοράς “The Playful Paradigm” προωθεί τη βιωσιμότητα και τη συμμετοχή των πολιτών μέσω του παιχνιδιού

    Από τον Βασίλη Μητσιό, Συντονιστή της Τοπικής Ομάδας Δράσης URBACT και τη Μαρίλια Λέλη-στέλεχος του Δήμου Λαρισαίων


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  • Pozitivni učinki pandemije: prihranki ogljika

    URBACT omrežje C-Change je ocenilo svoj prihranek ogljika zaradi nezmožnosti potovanja.


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  • Tackling Gender stereotypes amongst young people

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    Following a seminar hosted by Rumourless Cities, Ad Hoc Expert Haroon Saad  shares some thoughts on gender stereotypes amongst young people

    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • Campaign tools to tackle discrimination and promote critical thinking in our cities

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    Following a seminar hosted by Rumourless Cities, Lead Expert Ruth Essex shares some thoughts on anti-discrimnation campaigning and the importance of critical literacy in our contemporary world

    Angela Maria Loporchio

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  • Carry out a pilot renovation diagnosis to help owners initiate their refurbishment project

    Following the good practice of Chemnitz, the city of Seraing will soon open a housing agency to support owners in their renovation project. Bénédicte Borckmans reports on a pilot study whose results will be very helpful for the work of the future agency. 


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  • URBACT lance un réseau sur les ODD !

    Un réseau pilote de villes visant à « localiser » les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) en partenariat avec le CCRE.

    Fabian Massart

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