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  • Ritorna il Festival delle Buone Pratiche URBACT nella sua III edizione a Bari

    Dall’8 al 10 settembre a Bari l’appuntamento con le buone pratiche italiane ed europee sviluppate dalle reti transnazionali del programma URBACT


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  • #Vratsa4CSR: solving social problems through the collaboration with businesses

    CITIES4CSR is the first project that the Municipality of Vratsa implements under URBACT Programme. The participation of the Vratsa in the CITIES4CSR project will help the city in the process of creating its own CSR strategy and a comprehensive integrated action plan that is consistent with local development objectives, which are related to the development of the business environment and improve the investment climate in order to overcome the regional differences in the socio-economic development.

    Alessia Dagradi

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  • Kilenc megoldás a városok igazságosabbá és befogadóbbá válásához

    A tisztességesebb társadalom érdekében tett helyi fellépések inspirálják az EU városait. A te városodban mi a helyzet?
    Az új Lipcsei Charta az átalakuló város három, az európaiak életminőségének javítása szempontjából lényeges formáját emelte ki: az Igazságos Város, a Zöld Város és a Produktív Város.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Municipiul Alba Iulia și-a început oficial acțiunea la scară mică!

    An updated version of this report.

    Irina Panait

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  • Igriv pristop k urbanemu razvoju: kako je Cork prenesel dobro prakso iz Vidma/Udin

    Cork, Irska, 210.000 prebivalcev

    Omrežje: Playful Paradigm

    MESTO Z DOBRO PRAKSO: Videm/Udine (Italija)

    MESTA, ki so prenesla dobro prakso: Klajpeda (Litva), Larisa (Grčija), Katovice (Poljska), Esplugues de Llobregat (Španija), Novigrad (Hrvaška), Viana do Castelo (Portugalska), Cork (Irska)


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  • ALT/BAU - At the end of a long journey

    We look back on two and a half years of intensive work in the URBACT ALT/BAU transfer network. What have we achieved together? We proudly present our results: 


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