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  • Re-grow City: turning disadvantage into opportunity

    Regeneration practitioner and academic, Dr Hans Schlappa is the lead expert on Re-growCity. This network focuses on small and medium sized towns facing urban decline and shrinkage following Altena (DE)’s successes including starting an NGO such as the Stellwerk with minimal funding.

    The challenge urban shrinkage

    Hans Schlappa

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  • The housing paradox: what can local municipalities do?

    The negative consequences of the financialisation of housing can be felt first and foremost on a local level, in the urban housing markets. Thus the crucial questions are: what are local municipalities doing? Or to what extent can the growing problem of affordable housing be handled on a local level?

    Ivan Tosics

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  • URBinclusion 4th Thematic Seminar in Trikala

    By Trikala URBinclusion team. The 4th URBinclusion thematic seminar was held in Trikala on the 7th and 8th of February and it was focused on the importance and impact of social economy within the city context.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Falling for Come in! - Kick-off and Capacity Building Meeting in Targówek

    After an excited waiting period, crossing our fingers to be selected for Phase 2, the whole network was more than ready to get started. Targówek district of Warsaw was the first step in our two year long journey, finally with everyone on board.


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  • tech revolution- it’s all kicking off!

    Take seven cities, a group of economic development professionals; put them in a room together, throw in a Lead Expert and you have a recipe for a shared vision of a brighter future.

    Samantha Jones

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