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  • BluAct - Starting Up the Blue Economy

    BluAct network initiated its works during Spring of 2018, and has been awarded with the EEPA 2018 “Promoting the Entrepreneurial Spirit” award. Phase 2 of the project initiated recently with main event the transnational kick-off meeting that took place in Piraeus between 26-28 of February 2019.

    Angelos Ploumis

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  • URBinclusion Final Conference in Barcelona

    On the 27 and 28 of March, Barcelona will host the final meeting and conference of this project funded by the URBACT programme and focusing on the co-creation of new implementation solutions to reduce poverty in deprived urban areas.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Rethinking welfare from a neighbourhood level

    Version dating back from October 2015. Strategy for the contribution of URBACT III to Europe 2020 and the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion.


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    What on earth do the arts and culture have to do with climate change?

    Claire Buckley, URBACT Lead Expert and Director of Environmental Sustainability at Julie’s Bicycle says time is of the essence.

    Claire Buckley

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  • An invitation to Madrid

    Eddy Adams, SIX Adviser and URBACT Programme Expert says Europe’s cities are widening civic participation to innovate, drive change and nourish democracy.

    Eddy Adams

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  • BIOCANTEENS: How one city went 100% organic without spending any more

    Une contribution URBACT à l’Agenda Urbain Européen

    François Jégou

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