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  • GreenPlace Ready for Action meeting in Wroclaw, 26 September 2023

    Mreža GreenPlace: Ozelenjevanje mest s prenovo degradiranih prostorov

    Ta članek podrobneje obravnava potrebo po zeleni revitalizaciji in regeneraciji v okviru URBACT akcijske mreže GreenPlace, ene od 30 URBACT akcijskih mrež, ki tečejo od junija 2023 do decembra 2025. Mreža GreenPlace, ki jo vodi Vroclav (PL), si prizadeva za zeleno revitalizacijo in regeneracijo neuporabljenih, zapuščenih in pozabljenih prostorov – in vse to z vključevanjem lokalne skupnosti. 


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  • Ny utlysning inom hållbar stadsutveckling - goda exempel sökes

    Utlysningen för Good Practice är nu öppen. Den ger städer en möjlighet att synas på europeisk nivå och vidareutvecklas med hjälp av URBACTs experter.

    Lovisa Petersson

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  • 4th Transnational Meeting in Greece, a creative effort to find tomorrow's solutions to struggle isolation

    The 4th TNM was held on April 17th and 18th in the city of Cerres, Greece. In addition to the delegations from the 10 cities participating in the "Breaking Isolation" project of the Urbact network, this meeting also welcomed some members of the ULGs (Urban Local Groups) to enhance their involvement.

    Barbara Gautherie

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  • 3rd TNM in Portugal, an exercise in projecting towards a future without social isolation issues

    3rd TNM in Portugal, an exercise in projecting towards a future without social isolation issues

    February 20th and 21st marked the holding of the 3rd Transnational Meeting "Breaking Isolation" in Pombal, Portugal, bringing together the 10 delegations from the Urbact program.

    Barbara Gautherie

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  • Veiksmīgi aizvadīta URBACT IV un Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas programmu informatīva diena!

    2024. gada 7. maijā Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija (VARAM) un URBACT Nacionālais kontaktpunkts Latvijā kopā ar Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas kontaktpunktu Latvijā tiešsaistē organizēja URBACT IV un Eiropas Pilsētiniciatīvas programmu informatīvo dienu.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • URBACT Infosession em V. N. de Famalicão – concurso de Boas Práticas

    No âmbito do evento EUI & URBACT Infosessions, organizado pela Direção-Geral do Território, na qualidade de Ponto de Contacto Urbano Nacional da EUI e de Ponto URBACT Nacional, que decorreu nos dias 8 e 9 de maio em Vila Nova de Famalicão, em colaboração com a Câmara Municipal, o Ponto URBACT Nacional apresentou o Concurso de Boas Práticas do Programa URBACT IV.

    Maria José Efigénio

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