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    Naravna igrišča v poljskem mestu Poznanj

    Richard Louv v svoji knjigi Zadnji otrok gozda definira sindrom pomanjkanja stika z naravo pri otrocih. Opaža, da imajo otroci, ki živijo v mestu, omejen dostop do proste igre v srcu narave, kar

  • Articles

    Thinking and Acting ‘Green’: How the concern for our climate and the environment helps to galvanise urban CSR-Action

    Our current URBACT Action Planning Networks are now moving into full gear. After two years of development, and despite the serious difficulties all municipalities and stakeholders have been facing

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    Wat is de bijdrage van België aan het URBACT III-programma?

    In september 2021 heeft URBACT een verslag gepubliceerd met gedetailleerde statistische informatie over alle stedelijke netwerken die tussen 2014 en 2020 in het kader van het URBACT III-programma zijn

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    Quelle contribution pour la Belgique au sein du programme URBACT III ?

    URBACT a publié, en ce mois de septembre 2021, un rapport fournissant une information statistique riche et détaillée sur l’ensemble des réseaux de villes constitués dans le cadre du programme URBACT

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    Ventspils works in the field of digital transformation

    Ventspils works in the field of digital transformation

  • Articles

    La città delle donne: le azioni condotte da URBACT per un’urbanistica inclusiva


    Una lettura dei temi riguardanti la progettazione urbana inclusiva e il coinvolgimento delle donne nel design innovativo delle città, tematiche al centro di una rafforzata sensibilità dimostrata dal

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    Funding actions and monitoring implementation - key focus points of our action oriented 5th transnational meeting


    By Eileen Crowley, Lead Expert of Resourceful Cities

    It was great to catch up with all our wonderful partners during the 5th transnational meeting of our Resourceful Cities network which took place

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    Ο δρόμος προς την COP26: η κλιματική αλλαγή στο επίκεντρο των πόλεων URBACT όλων των μεγεθών

    Πόλεις όλων των μεγεθών πρέπει να ενισχύσουν τις τοπικές δράσεις για τη μείωση των εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα και την καταπολέμηση της κλιματικής αλλαγής. Τρεις πόλεις του URBACT δείχνουν τον