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  • Everyone can learn how to play! | by Katowice · Transfer Stories

    How to transfer what the URBACT OnStage project has meant for the city of Katowice? Here is the Transfer Story developed by this Polish city of 292.000 inhabitants.

  • Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story

    Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story consists of a Best Practice reflection and an interview with the leader of the Aarhus Music School, Lars-Ole Vestergaard, and a visual journey narrated from the

  • Mapping the Transfer Journey

    A retrospective and scenario exercise for the Civic eState network

    Words by Liat Rogel, URBACT Expert

  • OnStage... to leave no one behind! | by Adelfia · Transfer Stories

    How has Adelfia's URBACT OnStage transfer journey touched the city's different stakeholders? Here is a video that summarizes what the project has meant for this southern Italian city of 17,000

  • Включете се във Фестивала на градовете по Програма УРБАКТ за 2021 г.

    Включете се във Фестивала на градовете по Програма УРБАКТ за 2021 г. Тази година ще се проведе 4-то издание на Фестивала. За първи път, обаче, той се организира он-лайн.

  • Бъдещето е общинско … или да пием (минерална вода) за нашите дружества

    Развитие на общинските дружества и предприятия - 

    По материали от,,,

  • Meet the partners: interview with Francisco Martínez Cañavate

    [[{"fid":"43926","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Francisco Martinez Canavate","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Francisco

  • Playful activities for better educational programmes in cities

    An article written by Ileana Toscano, Urban specialist and Community engagement expert and Lead expert of the Playful Paradigm Transfer Network

  • NGO Houses as permanent civic hubs: some lessons from the ACTive NGOs’ Final Event

    Key points emerged at the ACTive NGOs final event highlighted by the Ad Hoc Expert Simone d’Antonio on how to create a participatory message for making hubs for civic engagement crucial for restoring