• Hannut_Fresque

    Prendre le temps de la réflexion avec URBACT, le pari de la commune de Hannut

    Souhaitant offrir à ses citoyens un cadre de vie durable, harmonieux et attractif, la ville de Hannut est active sur plusieurs fronts avec des projets intégrants les enjeux environnementaux, climatiques, énergétiques, de cohésion sociale et de mobilité. La Ville envisage notamment la création d’un lieu hybride emblématique en entrée de ville. Pour ce projet, Hannut a décidé de prendre le temps de la réflexion et de s’équiper de la méthodologie URBACT.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Nuevo euipo de URBACT

    Presentación del nuevo equipo de URBACT España

    El Grupo de Investigación en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Sostenibilidad (giau+s) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid se hace cargo del Punto Nacional URBACT

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • Can civic spaces strenghen local networks - COVER

    Les espaces citoyens peuvent-ils renforcer les réseaux locaux ?

    Seules des communautés locales fortes et connectées peuvent s'adapter efficacement aux changements constants de notre société. Les initiatives locales et ascendantes ont un grand rôle à jouer dans ce cadre.

    Fabian Massart

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  • Women using her phone to take a picture at the Tallinn URBACT City Festival

    Digital Transition in cities – how can it benefit citizens?

    Take a trip down memory lane with us. Re-discover stories and reflections that we've captured over the last years. This article was first published in 2019 and, yet, is more relevant than ever, with digital transition at the heart of EU cohesion policy objectives and the URBACT Programme.

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • Покана за създаване на мрежи за съвместно планиране по Програма УРБАКТ IV

    Отворена е първата покана по Програма УРБАКТ IV


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  • Audience at the URBACT IRELAND InfoDay, the Custom House, Dublin on January 31st, 2023

    Information Day-the launch of URBACT IV and the first call for Action Planning Networks!

    Karl Murphy

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  • Resourceful Cities

    RESOURCEFUL CITIES is an URBACT Action Planning Network of ten European cities. This project seeks to develop the next generation of urban resource centres, so they can serve as catalysts of the local circular economy, by adopting a participative and integrated approach. The resource centres strive to promote the positive economic, environmental and social impacts, notably for the circular economy. Thus, the network facilitates waste prevention, reuse, repair and recycling. The centres also work as connection points for citizens, new businesses, researchers and the public sector to co-create new ways to close resource loops at the local level. By bringing together interested actors to work alongside, the goal is to promote the change of values and mindset.

  • Iniciativa a úsilí českých měst v naplňování SDGs

    V roce 2015 nás vyrazilo 193 na cestu s cílem naplnit SDGs

    Markéta Horská

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  • Delegações de cinco países em Santa Maria da Feira para debater a democracia participativa


    Delegações de França, Itália, Alemanha, República Checa, Estónia e Portugal marcaram presença numa reunião transnacional realizada em Santa Maria da Feira, nos dias 15 e 16 de dezembro de 2021, no âmbito do projeto Active Citizens, integrado no programa europeu URBACT. Durante dois dias, 22 membros das cidades parceiras debateram estratégias e metodologias para promover uma efetiva democracia participativa nas suas comunidades e ações a concretizar nos próximos anos.




    Encontro das delegações

    Maria João Matos

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