Looking forward to the implementation of your actions, it is important to already examine and assess your local conditions and the means available in your city as well as to define a resourcing strategy. How to organise for the delivery of action plans, so as to maximise benefits, minimise lead times and mitigate risks?
This section which is bound to be completed with more tools in the future already offers tools related to using public funds and financing in a smart way by:
- designing a funding strategy
- being strategic with public procurements
Find what you are looking for
1/3 - Tracking changes in the policy environment
4/5 - Estimating Travel and Accommodation Costs
5/2 - Coordinating the Application Writing Process
Why is Procurement Important? 1/7
Welcome on board! This is the first part of a seven-module course, which will introduce to you the main content and structure behind the URBACT online course on strategic...
The EU Policy Framework 2/7
Following the seven-module course, this second module explores the European Policy Frame around Procurement.
Spend Analysis 3/7
Let’s learn about this first step of the procurement cycle! How much do you spend on procurement? Where does your procurement spend go?
Identifying Outcomes 4/7
Find out how to decide which economic, social and environmental challenges you want to address, how to identify outcomes and create your own social value procurement fram...
Commissioning 5/7
What role do commissioners play in designing goods and services? How are different outcomes relevant for different types of goods, services and works?
Tendering and Decision-Making 6/7
How do cities, municipalities and other anchor insitutions develop tender documents? What kind of requirements do potential suppliers need to know? What are the social an...
Contract Monitoring 7/7
Are you ready to complete the cycle of procurement? This is a crucial step to ensure that the commitments outlined in the tender documents are adequately carried out. ...
Smart Public Procurement
The Guide on Smart Public Procurement explores the key challenges to implementation of public procurement frameworks and how these challenges can be, and are being, overc...