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  • Ljubljana Agreement puts focus on small and medium-sized cities and towns

    Discover the newly agreed priority themes for the next generation of the Urban Agenda for the EU partnerships.


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    Cele mai recente știri privind orașele și rețelele URBACT, de la antreprenoriatul maritim la „cultură pentru toți





    Simona Arghire

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  • Retrospectiva anului 2021 – URBACT in orasele din Romania

    După anul 2020 cand orasele romanesti au fost date peste cap de criza pandemica si sistemul administratiei publice a facut un pas mare catre digitalizare, anul 2021 a venit sa ne arate ca ne putem descurca si putem face multe chiar si in pandemie, cel putin asta este viziunea din unghiul URBACT.

    Irina Panait

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  • Od obchodu s ropou k digitálnemu hubu: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Kristiansand (Nórsko)

    Kristiansand sa často prehliada ako ospalé mesto, avšak znovu sa vracia do pozornosti ako centrum pre technologické inovácie. V rámci URBACT siete GEN-Y City spolupracovalo mesto so študentskými organizáciami na propagácii digitálnych zručností pre všetky vekové kategórie.

    Matus Zak

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  • URBACT’s 2021 highlights

    Our Digital Communications Editor Ed Thorpe reviews the URBACT’ highlights from 2021 – another challenging year under the pandemic

    Ed Thorpe

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  • Manresa 2030 Agenda: localising the SDGs through meaningful participation

    Since the end of 2018, Manresa is working on its local 2030 Agenda: an integrated sustainability strategy to respond to the environmental, social, and economic challenges of the current decade. A strategy whose design, implementation and monitoring must be shared with all the local stakeholders and citizens.

    Karin Luhaäär

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