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Check URBACT's latest stories, updates and events!


  • URBACT needs you!

    Responding to cities’ needs is at the core of the URBACT programme. A consultation process running until 31 July is gathering cities’ needs for the next round of funding. Don’t miss your chance to contribute.


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  • 2nd TNM in Tartu: successful experiences to share in sustainable mobility

    On the 14th and 15th of May, in the context of the 2nd Transnational Meeting Citizens' Journey of the Beyond the Urban network, the delegations of the 10 territories that make up the network met in Tartu Vald, Estonia. The last time we did meet in person was from 27th to 29th November 2023 in Vic, Osona. In that 1st Meeting, “Ready for Action”, we worked on some basic concepts around mobility, delved into our Baseline Study and validated the network's Roadmap.

    Monica Carrera

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  • Implicar a la comunidad LGBTQI+ en la política nocturna local: el modelo parisino.

    París, socio de la red Cities After Dark, está tomando la iniciativa en la elaboración de políticas nocturnas inclusivas para todos.

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • Breaking isolation - Új fejezet nyílt a fóti városfejlesztés történetében

    Fót városa egyike azon kilenc magyar városnak, amelyek 2023-ban az URBACT Action Planning Network program keretén belül támogatásában részesültek és részesei lehetnek egy európai szintű, innovatív városfejlesztési programnak. 

    URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont

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  • Aké boli slovenské infodni a čo nás čaká po výzve?

    Od 15. apríla do 30. júna 2024 ponúkal program URBACT mestám v celej Európe možnosť upozorniť na svoje úspešné mestské projekty alebo stratégie prostredníctvom Výzvy na hľadanie dobrej praxe.

    Veronika Čevelová

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  • The Digi-Inclusion Network Journal is now live!

    Watch our Lead Expert Ian Graham introducing this first instalment of the new Video Journal, which you can keep watching as we update it with insights and ideas and examples from the network and project partners over the next 18 months.



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