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  • Spend Analysis as a tool for better use of resources in times of crisis.

    At the start of 2020, the finances of many Polish local councils were in a difficult condition due to the need to incur large investment expenditures, because of an underestimation of the costs of the delivery of public services commissioned, such as education, or losses in the revenues of municipalities resulting from central government tax reforms. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated these problems because the method adopted to combat the virus, which consists in the economic lockdown, led to a serious recession.


    The times of crisis force us to look more closely at our spend and internal resources, and to seek ways of increasing their benefits to the economy and society. One such tool is the public spend analysis according to the methodology of the City of Preston, implemented after the global financial crisis. An effective implementation of this good practice requires cooperation between all the parties involved in the process, both procurers and entrepreneurs.

    Alison Taylor

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  • Mobility on equal terms: the future of mobility?

    During a series of motivating digital network sessions in September 2020 the partners of the GenderedLandscape network were introduced to the topic of mobility and how it is linked with gender equality. Three speakers touching upon the topic from different countries and professions presented their research: Gender-related perspectives and attitudes towards transport issues by Stefano Borgato, transport planner and policy analyst at Trasporti e Territorio; Mobility at the margins by Harvard Doctor of Juridical Science Valentina Montoya Robledo; and Gender equality, climate, change and transportation by Christian Dymén, researcher and consultant at Trivector.

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • UK Clean Air Day 2020

    Clean Air Day is a chance to find out more about air pollution, how to avoid it and discover practical things we can do to cut local pollution. 

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Reinforcing local food ecosystems: a recipe for success?

    Discover how URBACT cities are using sustainable food and urban agriculture to address an array of local challenges.

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • Riga NGO House expands its activities to other neighborhoods of the city by participating in the neighborhood festival

    Sunday, September 13, 2020 was an unusual day in the work of the NGO House as the staff of the NGO House together with different other NGOs participated in the Hospitāļu Street Neighbors' Festival in one of the neighborhoods of Riga - Brasa. Participation in the festival is a practical realisation of proposals put forward in the Improvement Plan at the beginning of the implementation of the project “Riga NGO House - Platform for Cooperation between Non-Governmental Organizations and Municipalities” (ACTive NGOs): to organize events outside the NGO House - in other neighborhoods of Riga.


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  • Sociálny plán s novým prístupom k podpore uchádzačov o zamestnanie: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Aarhus (Dánsko)

    V meste Aarhus sa začína formovať nový model občianstva. Počas intenzívnej debaty o tom, ako by to mohlo vyzerať, sa mesto pripojilo do URBACT siete CHANGE!, ktorá poskytla priestor pre experimentovanie.

    Matus Zak

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