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  • Stay Tuned - focus on implementation, what does it mean?

    Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) has high societal and individual costs. Subsequently, reducing ELET is one of the headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The past few years, a lot of research has been done (notably RESL.eu, a Horizon 2020 project) and robust recommendations on evidence-based policy measures became available (e.g. WG ET2020, OECD).

    Arwen Dewilde

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  • Action Day on Combating ELET - Ghent pushes the partnership into the unknown parts of the implementation zone

    150 professionals from all sectors and all sorts of organisations (schools, local & Flemish government, ngo’s, private sector, …) were present at De Punt in Ghent, a center for incubation and innovation for the local economy, assessing and formulating progress on the specific barriers and challenges associated with implementing the Ghent plan on early school leaving (ESL).

    Arwen Dewilde

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  • A VITAL CITIES LABEL: What is it and how could your city earn it?

    With recent changes in our life styles, opportunities to be physically active are decreasing. This phenomenon is especially apparent in urban areas where sedentary lifestyle is the new norm amongst the working age population. While there is a body of empirical evidence showing associated health risks, it has also been proven that anyone who increases their level of physical activity, even after a long gap, can obtain health benefits irrespective of their age. It is never too late to start. However a group of cities is dedicated this phenomena and therefore decided within the framework of the Vital Cities network, to create a Vital Cities label.


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  • Vital Cities

    With recent changes in our life styles, opportunities to be physically active are decreasing. This phenomenon is especially apparent in urban areas where sedentary lifestyle is the new norm amongst the working age population. While there is a body of empirical evidence showing associated health risks, it has also been proven that anyone who increases their level of physical activity, even after a long gap, can obtain health benefits irrespective of their age. In other words, it is never too late to start.

    To promote a healthy and physically active lifestyle in the urban environment, a group of cities have joined forces and created the VITAL CITIES network. The network was formed as part of URBACT, a European exchange and learning programme, with the purpose to facilitate social inclusion and combat inactivity. Participating cities entered a dialogue and learning process to find out how to redesign and reconstruct public spaces and turn them into a low threshold sport facilities close to people's homes.

    The result of the process is a set of innovative tools and methods to be used in urban design and planning to reshape public spaces linked to sport and physical activity. The findings and conclusions of VITAL CITIES are relevant for the different governmental levels, including the European Commission.


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    The INT-HERIT network organised this meeting in Alba Iulia for two dozen attendants coming from all the partner cities involved in this URBACT III Project. An opportunity to travel to the core of one of the most relevant historical places in Romania.

    Antonio Zafra

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    On the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, Europa Nostra and its President Maestro Plácido Domingo invited all citizens in Europe and beyond to contribute to the #Ode2Joy Challenge. The best entries in the Ode2Joy Challenge will be included in a special video of the project which will be shown on 22 June during the European Heritage Awards Ceremony at the Berlin Congress Centre.

    Antonio Zafra

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