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  • Empowering Immigrant Women through Sustainable Mobility: A Pathway to Community Integration in Cento

    Nestled in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, the town of Cento exudes a rich cultural tapestry woven from its historical roots and the vibrant contributions of its immigrant population. From its ancient Roman origins as "Cesentum" to its Renaissance splendour, Cento is renowned for its architectural treasures, elegant churches, and bustling piazzas that reflect centuries of cultural heritage. Today, Cento maintains its allure as a welcoming community where diversity flourishes, with foreigners comprising 11.3% of its residents as of January 2023. This demographic diversity not only enriches daily life but also infuses Cento's gastronomy, festivals, and social interactions with a mosaic of traditions and languages.


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  • Artificial and social intelligence work together.

    Can artificial and social intelligence work together?

    The Residents of the Future project, among other things, intervenes in the area of digital transformation of the involved cities by considering all the advantages and disadvantages of adapting these cities to a population that works remotely. Given that the COVID-19 pandemic has “regrouped” remote workers and that today everyone (from Generation X to Gen Z) works remotely, it is important to note that this can have negative consequences for cities, such as empty office spaces, reduced local spending, and potentially decreased social interaction if people work exclusively from home.

    Krešimir Grubić

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  • ""

    Apstiprināti 10 jauni URBACT projekti – to starpā 3 projekti ar Latvijas partneru dalību!

    URBACT IV programmas Uzraudzības komiteja apstiprināja 10 Inovāciju pārneses tīklu (Innovation Transfer Networks) projektus, t.sk. arī 3 projektus ar Latvijas partneru dalību: CITISENSE - Liepājas pašvaldības policija, 2Nite - Rīgas valstspilsētas pašvaldība, WISH CITIES - Valmieras novada pašvaldība.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • URBACT víta 10 nových sietí na prenos inovácií!


    Na základe rozhodnutia monitorovacieho výboru URBACT 10 sietí na prenos inovácií (Innovation Transfer Networks) začína svoju URBACT misiu.

    Veronika Čevelová

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  • Az URBACT üdvözli az újabb 10 Innováció Transzfer Hálózatot!

    Az URBACT Monitoring Bizottságának 2024. június 28-i döntését követően 10 innovációtranszfer-hálózat indul útjára.


    2024. június 28-án az URBACT IV Monitoring Bizottság 10 innovációtranszfer-hálózatot hagyott jóvá, amelyek települési partnerei a korábban lezárt ún. városi innovatív akciók (UIA - Urban Innovative Actions) projektjeinek adaptálásán és újrafelhasználásán fognak dolgozni. A hálózatok 2024. szeptember 1-jén kezdik meg útjukat, és 2026. augusztus 31-én zárják le az URBACT partnerségükön belüli transzferfolyamatot.

    URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont

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  • “URBACT – und Europa generell – leben vom Mitmachen”: Umsetzung der UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG) in Mannheim

    Interview mit Christian Hübel von der Stadt Mannheim zum URBACT-Netzwerk „Cities for Sustainability Governance”

    Lilian Krischer

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