
Unlocking opportunities, improving cities

05/06/2019 08/08/2022


The project’s main aim is to unlock opportunities in order to improve our cities. The Action Planning Network of CITIES4CSR has identified in Corporate Social Responsibility actions the opportunities to unlock and improve municipal strategies and local plans, discovering and exploiting the value of partnerships with the private sector and relevant stakeholders at local level. Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, CITIES4CSR network involves ten European cities throughout Europe, each of them focusing its activity on specific local challenge and theme of CSR, according to local needs and municipal priorities. At the same time, at network level, the project provides a valuable opportunity of good practices sharing on CSR actions and experiences carried out locally by cities, reaching a common understanding of the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for municipal development and the improvement of local policies.





Lead Partners : Milan - Italy
  • Bratislava - Slovakia
  • Sofia - Bulgaria
  • Vratsa - Bulgaria
  • Molina de Segura - Spain
  • Nantes Metropole - France
  • Rijeka - Croatia
  • Budaörs - Hungary
  • Kekava County - Latvia
  • Guimarães - Portugal

Network outputs

Final Product


  • October 2019 | Kick-Off Meeting
  • September 2019 - March 2020 | Phase I: Action Planning Network Development
  • May 2020 | Start of Phase II
  • June 2020 | Kick-Off Meeting Phase II
  • January 2021 - December 2021 | Development of a methodolgy and Small Scale Actions Implementation
  • January 2022 - June 2022 | Transfer of Knowledge Period: IAP Local Dissemination events
  • June 2022 | Final Project Event in Bruxelles
  • Project end date