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    A unique milestone at the midpoint of the Urbact program with a distinctly European dimension ! The 6th TNM took place in Brussels in October 2024. 

    First Steps in Selecting Experiments Following the Ideation Phase  The 5th Transnational Meeting (TNM) was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024. 

    A unique milestone at the midpoint of the Urbact

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    URBACTin Hyvät Käytännöt valittu – Oulu sai tunnustuksen

    Lokakuussa 2024 URBACT IV -ohjelman seurantakomitea valitsi 116 URBACT Hyvää Käytäntöä huhtikuun ja kesäkuun 2024 välisenä aikana järjestetyn ehdotuspyynnön perusteella jätetyistä ehdotuksista.

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    Parcursul Campusului URBACT: Consolidarea capacității urbane în întreaga Europă!

    Orașele din întreaga Europă se pregătesc pentru transformări urbane majore, iar Campusul URBACT le oferă formare practică, planificare sustenabilă și oportunități de finanțare direct la ușa lor!

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    Kuidas saavutada energiaüleminek linnades? Bukaresti edulugu ja ELi City Lab’i õppetunnid

    Millist toetust vajavad linnad energiaülemineku saavutamiseks? Milline on Bukaresti edulugu?

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    URBACT kampus za slovenske občine

    URBACT akcijske mreže so na polovici svoje poti. Z namenom opolnomočenja mest z novim znanjem, ki jim bo pomagalo v implementacijski fazi projektov in pri iskanju ter zagotavljanju finančnih sredstev

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    Vergroening als weg naar veerkracht in stedelijk gebied

    Groene plekken in steden kunnen gezondheid en geluk enorm verbeteren. Met één kanttekening: groen is niet altijd goed voor iedereen.

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    Sportsgrounds of the Future: How Cities Are Rethinking Public Space for Adolescents' Wellbeing

    Urban spaces often reveal the character of a city. They are places of movement, stillness, interaction, and solitude. For adolescents, however, public spaces are much more than physical environments

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    Slovenské a české mestá z aktuálnych sietí URBACT majú za sebou nabitý dvojdňový program vzdelávacieho podujatia URBACT Campus v krásnych priestoroch Technologického parku BRNO. Poďte sa s nami

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    National Theatre_ Tirana

    The Unconventional Architectural narrative of Albania

    Author: Dr. Doriana Musaj, Tirana

    The collapse of the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the downfall of communist regimes in Eastern Europe, marked a significant turning point in the historical narrative of