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  • Panevėžys promoting tourism for everyone

    In order to increase the competitiveness of the tourism sector and promote the full participation of different groups in society, it is important to ensure that tourist attractions and services are

  • Ars Pori Megastore: from 0 visitors to 15.000

    The focus for Pori in iPlace is the rejuventation of our City Center. We have the usual story: the building of a new shopping mall, Puuvilla in 2016, located to the north of the older part of the City

  • Nyolc URBACT-város márkaidentitásának erősítése

    A „Find Your Greatness” akciótervezési hálózat 8 várost támogat a márkájuk pozícionálásában és stratégiai márkaüzeneteik kommunikálására irányuló tevékenységükben. A Covid-19 világjárvány idején a

  • KAIRÓS partners visiting Cesena by Elena Giovannini, Cesena Municipality

    After about two years of online meetings, the KAIRÓS partners met in Cesena on 18 and 19 November 2021 to exchange innovative good practices of urban regeneration related to areas that present

  • Articles

    Public-private partnership around a common goal : "a vision of a climate-neutral economy"

    The ability to federate all the stakeholders in a territory is one of the main strengths of an URBACT project. Public sector, associations, private partners can meet, exchange, act together in a

  • Urb-En Pact – Ações de sensibilização sobre energia mais apelativas através de jogos

    Vamos descobrir como a Comunidade Intermunicipal (CIM) do Alto Minho ajuda na sensibilização para a transição energética. Graças à implementação de uma ação de pequena escala (small-scale action)

  • Portalegre to install an intelligent and digital network for the collection of used cooking oil

    Portalegre to install an intelligent and digital network for the collection of used cooking oil

  • Project “Digital Innovation for Cities” (DigiPlace) partners visited Ventspils

    Project “Digital Innovation for Cities” (DigiPlace) partners visited Ventspils

  • Neva Pipan: »Vedno znova se postavim v vlogo občana in izhajam iz tega, kaj občan potrebuje, kako razmišlja.«

    Neva Pipan je od leta 2019 zaposlena v kabinetu mariborskega župana kot koordinatorka aktivnosti Izboljšajmo Maribor, kjer pokriva tudi področje, povezano s pobudami občanov. Socialna delavka po