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  • Articles

    Strengthening brand identity of 8 URBACT cities

    Find your greatness APN is supporting support 8 cities in their activities to define their brand position and to communicate their strategic brand messages. This has become even more important in the

  • City-led initiatives across Europe to help Ukrainian people

    Find out about some of the ways EU countries are helping Ukraine.

  • Articles

    Félúton a társadalmi hatáskötvények felfedezése felé - Séra Zsolt | az URBACT SIBdev Network vezető szakértője

    "Vajon a társadalmi hatáskötvények (SIB) lesznek a megfelelő közszolgáltatások biztosításának új titkos eszközei?" - tette fel a kérdést nyolc európai város 2020 májusában. Ezután együtt indultak

  • Articles

    URBACT Netzwerke und der sozial gerechte und nachhaltige Wandel

    Bezahlbare grüne Energie und Mobilität, Unterstützung für kleine bis mittelgroße Unternehmen und Innovationen. Unsere URBACT-Städte setzen sich für das Klima und soziale Gerechtigkeit ein.

  • Articles

    Invitation aux 48 heures du Climat, 21-22 mars 2022

    La Ville de Grenoble à le plaisir de vous inviter à “Les 48 heures du Climat”.

  • Articles

    Health and Urban Planning: Visualising Impact with the Healthy Cities Generator

    By: Ad-hoc Expert Sofia Aivalioti

    What does a holistic approach to health look like? Often, people’s replies will cover medical care, diet, and exercise - but as urban populations continue to

  • Articles

    Il National Urbact Point Anci a Prato incontra il local group sui progetti Urban Jungle e Urge

    L’integrazione tra diversi programmi europei per dare nuovo slancio all’economia locale in un’ottica di sostenibilità e inclusione sociale. Questo l’elemento vincente che fa del Comune di Prato una

  • Articles

    Overcoming the Pandemic and Building Resilience: Lessons from Bradford

    The concept of healthy cities is more relevant now than ever. After COVID-19 emerged, public health was thrown into the spotlight and so, too, was the potential for cities to be catalysts for better

  • Articles

    Visions from the City Representatives - Željko Burić, Mayor of Šibenik (HR) by lead expert Miguel Rivas

    Heritage-led urban regeneration involves major urban projects, requiring significant investment and stakeholder mobilisation. In this endeavour, political backing and direction are key. The KAIRÓS