All URBACT articles

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  • Articles

    Focus on Timisoara (RO) - How knowledge can contribute to fighting homelessness

    Timisoara decided to join the ROOF network because, like in many other European cities, homelessness is more and more present and we wanted to learn new ways towards ending it. Housing First approach

  • SIBdev at the 19th European Week of Regions

    As a side event of the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities, SIBdev Network has organized an online info session on 12th October 2021, coordinated by its partner city Baia Mare. The aim of the

  • Articles

    L'URBACT City Festival 2022 annoncé !

    L'URBACT City Festival 2022 aura lieu à Pantin / Grand Paris (France) les 14, 15 et 16 juin 2022. SAVE THE DATE !

  • Articles

    Hybrid working – Manchester approach for the co-creation of its’ draft IAP

    The focus of Zero Carbon Cities (ZCC) is to help cities transition to carbon neutrality in line with science-based targets required in order to align with the Paris Agreement. Manchester is the Lead

  • Articles

    Mandate produced from Manchester's first-ever community assembly on climate change

    Manchester’s first ever Community Assembly on climate change enabled people from across the city to play a key role in shaping our response to the climate emergency!

    The Assembly was facilitated by the

  • Articles

    Understanding the “Social” Science behind Carbon budgeting – a mid term reflection

    In May 2020 phase 2 of the Zero Carbon Cities embarked on the challenge of developing their own Carbon budgets aided by the URBACT methodology.

    This adventure coincided with lockdowns throughout Europe

  • Articles

    Modena and its ZCC participatory process

    2021 represents an important year for the City of Modena when the EU project URBACT ZCC participatory process has come to its full implementation.

    In fact, despite the Covid-19 emergency that has not

  • Articles

    Understanding the “Social” Science behind Carbon budgeting – a mid term reflection

    In May 2020 phase 2 of the Zero Carbon Cities embarked on the challenge of developing their own Carbon budgets aided by the URBACT methodology.

    This adventure coincided with lockdowns throughout Europe

  • Articles

    Helyi feldolgozás magas fenntarthatósági normák mellett: a szécsényi Funky Forest (Magyarország)

    Az Agri Kulti már több mint egy évtizede kutatja azokat a területeket, ahol a fenntartható, kisüzemi magyar élelmiszertermelők számára piaci lehetőségek kínálkoznak. Ennek eredményeként több termelői