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    #2 Small Scale Action | Razlog, Bulgaria


    The city of RAZLOG makes possible the monitoring of urban air quality in real time through the test

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    The RFSC a relevant tool for the city partners of the GG4C network

    In the course of the life of the Global Goals for Cities (GG4C) network, the 19 city partners used an existing self-assessment tool: the RFSC, or Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities. Based on

  • Articles

    Ekosustav za razvoj vještina za urbanu Industriju 4.0: sedam izazova

    U mnogim su europskim gradovima proizvodne industrije još uvijek važni pokretači njihova gospodarstva, no sektor je sada u procesu transformacije pod utjecajem novih tehnologija (robotizacija

  • Articles

    Summary of Learning - Alytus

    Alytus City Municipality together with the project partners: Barnsley (United Kingdom), Novska (Croatia), Rzeszow (Poland), Roeselare (Belgium) is implementing the TechRevolution 2.0 project wchich is

  • Articles

    The Citizen Committee of the La Rochelle Territory Zero Carbon project: How to build trust?

    On January 25, La Rochelle Urban Community presented to the Global Goals for Cities partners its ‘La Rochelle Territory Zero Carbon’ (LRTZC) project towards 2040, highlighting the following main

  • Insights from the URGE network: thematic report

    Start small: The journey to scale. Experiences from the URGE: Circular Building Cities Network.
    By Dr. Eleni Feleki, Lead Expert of the URGE Action Planning Network

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    The Place-based Planning Approach - Rethinking Metropolis Planning

    RiConnect Lead Expert Roland Krebs covers the confluence between urban planning and mobility infrastructure in this article. The integration of infrastructure can lead to new urban development

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    Summary of Learning - Roeselare

    In mid-September, Bo and Gino defied the English weather and roads to meet, for the first time, with the partners of this URBACT Transfer Network. We got to know each other but also learned more about

  • Articles

    Towards a Resilient Ecosystem - Rethinking for adding ecosystem functions

    How to integrate ecosystem functions in infrastructure? RiConnect Lead Expert Roland Krebs reflects on the impacts of mobility infrastructure in urban climate, and on the possible solutions to