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  • The Neighbourhood Councils of Agen : a Citizen public service delegation

    In 2008, in order to provide answers in terms of participatory democracy and to improve on all questions of local works, the City of Agen decided to create Neighborhood Councils, even though there is

  • Τα Δίκτυα URBACT και η "Δίκαιη Μετάβαση"

    Πράσινη, οικονομικά προσιτή ενέργεια και μεταφορές, στήριξη των μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων και της καινοτομίας. Οι πόλεις μας αναλαμβάνουν δράση για το κλίμα και την κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη.

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    URBACT lansează e-Universitatea de succes despre implementarea și finanțarea Planurilor de Acțiune ale orașelor

    Noua focalizare pe consolidarea capacităților va ajuta orașele să planifice – și să finanțeze – acțiuni locale transversale pentru a îmbunătăți viața rezidenților.

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    Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area

    Our partner Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area (OMG-G-S) fosters the cooperation between the tri-city and its surrounding municipalities. Home to the main port in Poland and a vibrant economy, it

  • Vilawatt Scorecard: όταν μια εικόνα αξίζει όσο χίλιες λέξεις

    Τον Μάϊο του 2021, στην πρώτη διακρατική συνάντηση (TM1) με όλες τις πόλεις-εταίρους του έργου Vilawatt, παρουσιάστηκε ένα βασικό στοιχείο που θα βοηθήσει στην καθοδήγηση της διαδικασίας μεταφοράς της


    The "Active Citizens -citizens participation in small and medium EU cities" project in which the Municipality of Cento is taking part, aims at giving voice to citizens and possibility for intervention

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    URBACT launches successful e-University on implementation and funding of city action plans

    New capacity-building focus will help cities plan – and fund – cross-cutting local actions to improve residents’ lives.

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    ROOF Bootcamp in Braga (PT)

    The Municipality of Braga held on 7 and 8 February, the Bootcamp Roof - Integrated Action Plan Design Experience, at the Hotel Axis Ponte de Lima. This meeting led by the Urbact Local Group (ULG) of

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    First Urbact Local Group Meeting in Udine. The start of a playful work together

    The first Urbact Local Group of Udine has started today with a virtual meeting. The first important step of a playful jurney.