5412 results


    Land Use Management forSustainable European Cities


    The challenge set out by the Leipzig Charter may seem vast; nevertheless, it is only through joint efforts that we can truly aspire to better new housing developments – good, green, safe, and affordable – which will eventually give birth to the cities we want for the future of our continent. Hopus Group brings together five universities and one city administration, each working on different aspects of housing: from the urban to the building approach, from building regulations to construction technology, from environmental quality to energy certification: a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary vision, trying to cover a wide range of different problems, joining theory and practice.

  • Nodus

    Nodus is a project for a working group focused on the links between urban regeneration and spatial planning elements that influence regional development and spatial segregation.

  • MILE

    MILE is a Fast Track Pilot Project - one of the tools for implementing Region for Economic Change Programme -  launched within the framework of URBACT I, in order to experiment the organisation and working processes before URBACT II.



    URBAMECO network focused on strategies and projects that can foster  sustainable integrated regeneration of critical urban areas of disadvantage with a special focus on local economy development as key aspect to fight social exclusion.


    A working group to facilitate the implementation of integrated sustainable urban development according to the Leipzig Charter.

  • ESIMeC

    How medium sized cities can generate new employment opportunities, prepare workers for jobs, and address mismatches between the supply of labour and demand for workers


    Reconciling patrimonial and environmental qualities to get a sustainable and desirable housing environment in the heart of the cities for a diversified population. 

  • OP-ACT

    Options of actions - strategic positioning of small and medium sized cities Demographic change, advanced de-industrialization and the current financial crisis together with the linked danger of job losses pose specific challenges for small and medium size cities.
  • Roma-Net

    Integration of Roma populations is the focus of our Roma-Net project.  The common challenge of our partnership is how to overcome negative attitudes, how to improve consultation and engagement with the Roma community.
