5412 results


    REDIS was a network of cities that was focused on how municipalities can re-shape districts into science quarters.


    FIN-URB-ACT strives for more efficient local support structures for SMEs' development and innovative economies. The rationale is that such structures on local level - where financial instruments meet nonfinancial assistance - are basic prerequisites for fostering start-ups and business growth.


    NeT-TOPIC is addressed to medium sized (intermediate) cities located close to a major city within a metropolitan area. As a result of their location, these cities face today some common challenges, such as territorial fragmentation or the need to adapt to the new demands for uses and activities in the process of post-industrialisation and of new tertiary activities.

  • RegGov

    Develop and implement new integrated strategies for a sustainable development at neighbourhood level.

  • RUnUP

    Developing “triple helix” structures in which municipalities, university and businesses shared a common vision and ambition.

  • Suite

    Cooperate among partners to optimise a sustainable, and affordable supply of housing and to assure social cohesion through social mix and sustainable housing.

  • UNIC

    A strong tradition in the ceramics industry and for two years they shared their experiences and developed local policies adapted to this changing economic context in order to make ceramics an asset for their territory in terms of innovation, cultural dynamism and attractiveness.

  • WEED

    Identifying and developing integrated local actions that improve women’s situation in employment, entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy are key to this thematic network. It is clear that the role that women play in terms of local regeneration is crucial, however, urban regeneration has always been a predominantly male affair. In particular, this network will focus on the key issues of: women and entrepreneurship, women in research and knowledge economy, gender inequalities in the workplace and the labour market.

  • JESSICA 4 Cities

    Urban Development Funds (UDFs) foreseen in the JESSICA initiative for integrated plans for sustainable urban development


    JOINING FORCES aims at exploring how strategy making and governance arrangements at city-region scale can help to effectively address the main challenges faced by urban Europe: competitiveness, cohesion, and sustainability.
