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  • ARCHETHICS URBATC Action Planning Network

    If these walls could talk: democratic values through dissonant heritage

    With the European elections in full swing, let’s look at how controversial heritage sites can foster democratic values in European cities.


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  • Banner Call for Experts


    Call for Experts for the assessment and visibility of Good Practices under the URBACT Call for Good Practices. Open from 05 to 26 June 2024.


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  • Boas Práticas URBACT: O que é que um nome representa?

    As cidades precisam de cumprir estes quatro critérios para serem reconhecidas como uma Boa Prática URBACT.

    Maria João Matos

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  • 14 ukrepov za živahno središče Celja

    Mestna občina Celje od sredine leta 2023 sodeluje v URBACT mreži Cities@Heart, v kateri se skupaj s partnerskimi mesti ukvarjajo z oživljanjem mestnih središč. Ob naših zadnjih obiskih v Celju, med drugim smo se udeležili tudi obiska vodilne strokovnjakinje, smo opazili, da so se oživljanja mestnega jedra lotili celostno in da že leta izvajajo vrsto ukrepov s tem namenom. Najzanimivejše smo zbrali na spodnjem seznamu.


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  • C4TALENT Vilanova i la Geltrú Meeting: A Resounding Success

    A truly inspiring event held in Spain, between 28-30 May.

    Zoltán Szenes

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  • Event

    Network Communication Officers APN 2024

    On 14 – 15 May, the Network Communication Officers APN 2024 took place in Paris, bringing together the lead partners, lead experts and communication officers of ongoing Urbact projects in several European countries. The meeting allowed us to deepen several topics such as the construction of a communication plan, graphic design, writing workshop, use of AI, social media strategy, organising low carbon events, as well as to share best practices and strategies common to the different projects and countries.