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  • Climate-adaptive grassland management in urban environments

    Veszprém (HU), the “City of Queens” (ca. 56.000 inhabitants), as it is often called due to its role in Hungarian history, is located between the famous Lake Balaton and the karst area of Bakony Hills, its territory is both part of the Bakony-Balaton UNESCO Geopark and the Balaton-upland National Park. Veszprém was the European Capital of Culture in 2023 together with its hinterland (Veszprém-Balaton-Bakony region), highlighting the city’s integral connection to surrounding landscapes.

    András Merza

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  • Moč narave v mestih: Nove rešitve za prilagajanje naselij na podnebne spremembe

    Podnebne spremembe tudi v slovenskih naseljih že povzročajo vsako sezono višje poletne temperature in močnejše nalive. To ustvarja vse manj zdravo in varno bivalno okolje za ljudi, živali in rastline ter sili naselja k ukrepanju. Pri blaženju posledic podnebnih sprememb imajo pomembno vlogo naravne prvine in procesi, ki potekajo v rastlinah in tleh. V naseljih se to odraža v novih prizadevanjih za ohranjanje narave in urejanje zelenih površin. Uveljavljajo se novi principi in koncepti urejanja, kot so zelena in zeleno-modra infrastruktura ter sonaravne rešitve. 


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  • #RzeClimat(On) behind us

    Fresh Ideas for a Greener Rzeszów.

    Zoltán Szenes

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  • A unique milestone at the midpoint of the Urbact program with a distinctly European dimension ! The 6th TNM took place in Brussels in October 2024. 

    First Steps in Selecting Experiments Following the Ideation Phase  The 5th Transnational Meeting (TNM) was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024. 

    A unique milestone at the midpoint of the Urbact program with a distinctly European dimension ! The 6th TNM took place in Brussels in October 2024. 


    Barbara Gautherie

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  • GP label

    URBACTin Hyvät Käytännöt valittu – Oulu sai tunnustuksen

    Lokakuussa 2024 URBACT IV -ohjelman seurantakomitea valitsi 116 URBACT Hyvää Käytäntöä huhtikuun ja kesäkuun 2024 välisenä aikana järjestetyn ehdotuspyynnön perusteella jätetyistä ehdotuksista.


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  • Event

    Festivalul Orașului URBACT 2025!

    Festivalul Orașului URBACT va fi găzduit de Wroclaw, orașul URBACT din Polonia, și se va desfășura pe parcursul a trei zile, între 8 și 10 aprilie 2025.

    Această nouă ediție a evenimentului emblematic URBACT va aduce în prim-plan o varietate de practici urbane integrate, participative, cu impact și transferabile (Bunele practici URBACT) ce abordează diverse teme implementate de orașe din întreaga Europă.