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  • RAPORT privind evenimentele de capitalizare, respectiv diseminare a rezultatelor proiectelor

    Participanții la cele două evenimente au aflat informații despre activitățile și rezultatele proiectelor implementate, au discutat despre modul în care pot utiliza livrabilele produse și despre extinderea rețelelor profesionale. Au fost puse în evidență beneficiile imediate, dar și cele viitoare, aduse de implementarea proiectelor pentru comunitățile locale.

    Mihaela Florea

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  • Guidelines for cities to evolve into a Bee Path City


    XS guidelinesWe developed guidelines – tools for cities that would like to evolve into a Bee Path City. There is a short edition “Evolving into a Bee Path City” (issued in 2022) where we summarise all key aspects of our transfer journey. It is meant to encourage new cities to follow our steps and, hopefully, read the full version of the guidelines. With special support of URBACT it was translated into 12 languages.


    guidelinesFull guidelinesThe evolution steps toward a Bee-friendly city’” (issued in 2020) is a comprehensive almost five times thicker manual for urban authorities that would like to take action on sustainable environment and biodiversity management that is based on pollinator protection. It is available just in English.



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  • Four transfer cities learning logs

    All four cities that transferred Ljubljana good practice wrote a learning log on their urban beekeeping good practice transfer. It is a document revealing how they did it and what learnt and accomplished. Transformation on an individual, institutional and city level is presented and additionally, how it reflects on an international level. One can learn how different the starting points for each city were and some of the obstacles they needed to overcome in order to transfer the good practice. Find out how it happened in Bansko (Bulgaria), Bergamo (Italy), Osijek (Croatia) and Sosnowiec (Poland).



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    URBAN DAYS en Gijón: ciudades que comparten y aprenden

    Organizado por el Punto Nacional URBACT junto con el Ayuntamiento de Gijón, URBAN DAYS –el título de la edición de URBACT Infoday ES en 2022– estuvo fundamentalmente dirigido a presentar ejemplos, retos y oportunidades vinculados al Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible (DUS) y a su financiación, en general, y a los programas URBACT y UIA, en particular.

    Punto Nacional URBACT

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  • Cities Forum 2023 in Turin.

    CITIES FORUM 2023 in Turin

    Das CITIES FORUM ist eine der großen Konferenzen zur nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung in Europa. Die alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Veranstaltung der Generaldirektion Regionalpolitik und Stadtentwicklung der Europäischen Kommission bringt städtische Akteure auf europäischer, nationaler, regionaler und lokaler Ebene zusammen. Im kommenden Jahr findet die fünfte Ausgabe des CITIES FORUM vom 16. bis 17. März 2023 in Turin in Italien statt.

    Lilian Krischer

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  • Ugljično neutralan URBACT City Festival - je li to uopće moguće?

    Ovogodišnje izdanje URBACT City Festivala donijelo je brojne novitete, jedne od kojih su i ugljično neutralne mjere. Evo što smo naučili iz tog iskustva!

    S obzirom na to da se URBACT program sve više posvećuje zelenoj tranziciji, jednom od temeljnih ciljeva francuskog predsjedanja Vijećem EU-a 2022. u okviru kojeg se City Festival održao, program se ambiciozno obvezao da će organizirati svoje prvo ugljično neutralno događanje. Prihvaćanjem ovog izazova naučili smo mnoge lekcije: od toga kako isplanirati smanjenje ugljičnog otiska do toga kako potaknuti sudionike na aktivnost, pa čak i kako eliminirati emisije ili ih kompenzirati.


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