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  • A Bumpy Road to Thriving Streets

    Author: Béla Kézy, Lead Expert of ThrivingSTREETS

    The article presenting the Thriving Streets URBACT Action Planning Network, and its ambitions was published on 2020 February 5 on the URBACT website. It reflected optimism, dedication, and commitment of all partners to address the challenge at hand: reducing car-dependency in their cities, making them “more healthy, attractive, accessible, inclusive and thriving places”. It quickly turned out, though, that our plan was like those proverbial battle plans that did not survive the first encounter with the enemy. 

    Francesca Blamonti

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  • Un appel à manifestation d'intérêt pour trouver 100 villes intelligentes et climatiquement neutres

    La Commission européenne a lancé un appel à manifestation d'intérêt adressée aux villes : Mission européenne sur les villes  climatiques neutres et intelligentes . Cette mission prévoit d'arriver à 100 villes intelligentes et climatiques neutres d'ici 2030. La date limite d'inscription est définie au 31 janvier 2022.

    Mathieu Copere

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  • Se buscan 100 ciudades inteligentes y climáticamente neutras

    La Comisión Europea lanza una convocatoria de manifestaciones de interés destinada a las ciudades. La misión es lograr 100 ciudades inteligentes y climáticamente neutras para 2030. El plazo para la inscripción cierra el 31 de enero de 2022.

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • Apel pentru 100 de orașe neutre și inteligente din punct de vedere climatic (suport și finanțare incluse!)

    Comisia Europeană (prin DG Cercetare și Inovare) a lansat un apel de exprimare a interesului adresat orașelor de a se alătura unei noi Misiuni europene privind orașele neutre din punct de vedere climatic și inteligente.

    Irina Panait

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  • Покана от Френското председателство на Съвета на ЕС

    Френските министри на зеления преход и жилищната политика, Барбара Помпили и Емануел Варгон отправят покана до общините за участие в онлайн симпозиум.


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  • Glasgow’s Journey towards the 2030 Agenda

    Race to net zero and climate resilience: localising the SDGs through meaningful participation and co-creation.

    Karin Luhaäär

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