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  • A shopping trolley on a computer keyboard. Credits: Canva.

    Delivering upon EU policy at the local level – the case of procurement

    After seven years of URBACT’s contribution to the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership for Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement, we reflect on some key learnings and findings.

    Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson

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  • Einladung zum URBACT City Festival 2025 in Breslau.

    Save the date - URBACT City Festival 2025

    Vom 8. bis zum 10. April 2025 lädt Wroclaw (dt. Breslau) als Gastgeberstadt zum dreitägigen URBACT City Festival ein. 

    Heike Mages

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  • citizens and officials gather to explore their appetite for participation

    Citizens and Officials Explore Their 'appetite' for Participation Working Together with the Genk habits

    How do you stimulate and create a participative mindset in your city organization? It is a process in which every step forward and every additional employee is to be celebrated, and learning throughout this process is essential. In Genk, an increasing number of city staff are involved in disseminating the output of a participatory process, the Genk habits.

    Yasemin Yilmaz

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  • Event
    Event NUP Belgium

    Conferentie "Resilience in actie":

    Tijdens de conferentie krijgt u presentaties van Belgische steden te horen die resilience op lokaal niveau verwezenlijken. Elk van deze steden heeft geprofiteerd van de steun van de Europese Unie, via technische bijstand, financiering of netwerken.



  • Event
    Event NUP Belgium

    Conférence « Résilience en action » : les inscriptions sont ouvertes

    Durant cette conférence vous aurez l’occasion de suivre les exposés de villes belges qui localement, créent les conditions de la résilience. Chacune d'entre elles a bénéficié du soutien de l'Union Européenne à travers un soutien technique, un financement ou une mise en relation. 


    Au programme : 


  • Portrait Series #4: Education as Empowerment: Yahya Al-Abdullah's Path from Aleppo to Paris in Advocacy for Migrants’ Rights

    Yahya Al-Abdullah's life journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and an unwavering commitment to advocating for migrant rights amidst global challenges. Born in a small Syrian village, Yahya's quest for knowledge led him from Aleppo to cities across Asia and Europe. His academic pursuits in English and public policy were profoundly shaped by the Arab Spring, where he passionately protested against authoritarianism and witnessed Syria's descent into “internationalized war” as he puts it. Forced to leave his homeland in 2012, Yahya embarked on a journey through Georgia, Istanbul, Budapest, and finally Paris, each step influencing his dedication to migrant education and advocacy. His journey reflects personal resilience and a relentless pursuit to bridge gaps and foster inclusive societies in the face of complex migration dynamics across Europe.

    Sarah Simonin

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