
Education - Food - Environment - Local Economy - Governance

01/04/2018 01/06/2021


BioCanteens Transfer Network is about ensuring the distribution of sustainable school meals in participating cities as a key lever towards the development of an integrated local agri-food approach, protecting both citizens’ health and the environment. The project aims to transfer Mouans-Sartoux’s Good Practice in the field of collective school catering, to other highly committed cities across Europe. Mouans-Sartoux’s Good Practice is based on the daily distribution of meals that are 100% organic and mostly composed of local products, the drastic reduction of food waste thereby fully compensating the higher cost of switching to organic products, and the organisation of dedicated educational activities to raise children’s awareness about sustainable food.




LEAD PARTNER : Mouans-Sartoux - France
  • LAG Pays des Condruses - Belgium
  • Rosignano Marittimo - Italy
  • Vaslui - Romania
  • Torres Vedras - Portugal
  • Troyan - Bulgaria
  • Trikala - Greece


Kick-off meeting

Transfer Period

End of Transfer Period + Sharing Period

Food Education workshop in Pays des Condruses


Video about BioCanteens URBACT Network lead by Mouans Sartoux


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