Hear from the URBACT community on today’s most pressing challenges and inspiring examples from all around Europe. Find the inspiration you have been looking for to put knowledge into action!

Interested in more thematic content? Check out the URBACT Knowledge Hub.




  • Webinar #4: "How to encourage parents to prioritize their chlildren's well-being in everyday travel" - Recording is now available!

  • Midpoint Milestones for the URBACT EcoCore Network: A Review of Test Actions Across Partner Cities


    As the EcoCore network reaches its halfway point, the nine partner cities across Europe have made significant strides in their shared mission to proactively work with stakeholders to put in place the

  • Contratação pública

    Implementação da política europeia a nível local - o caso da contratação pública

    Após sete anos de contribuição do URBACT para a Parceria para a Contratação Pública Responsável e Inovadora, no âmbito da Agenda Urbana para a UE, refletimos sobre algumas das principais aprendizagens

  • URBAN Newsletter 11+12/2024



    Predstavujeme Vám novinky v oblasti programu URBACT a mestského rozvoja za mesiac november a december 2024 v našom zimnom slovenskom Newslettri!

  • URBACT City Festival 2025

    Ir atvērta reģistrācija URBACT Pilsētu Festivālam 2025. gadā!

    URBACT Nacionālais kontaktpunkts Latvijā aicina piedalīties URBACT Pilsētu Festivālā 2025. gadā! Festivāls norisināsies trīs dienas – no 2025. gada 8. līdz 10. aprīlim Polijas pilsētā Vroclavā!

  • Humanizácia alebo poľudštenie miest -nové prístupy k mestskej mobilite

    Ako mestá pretvárajú ulice pre ľudí, nie pre autá? Odpovede prináša URBACT Knowledge Hub "Walk and Roll Cities".

  • Az uniós politika helyi szintű megvalósítása - a közbeszerzések esete

    Az URBACT hét évnyi, az európai településfejlesztési menetrend (Urban Agenda for the EU) keretében megvalósuló, az innovatív és felelősségteljes közbeszerzésre irányuló uniós partnerséghez való

  • naslovna

    Predstavljene URBACT dobre prakse na Susretu gradonačelnika i poduzetnika

    Od 27. do 29. studenog u Zadru, održan je godišnji Susret gradonačelnika i poduzetnika kojeg već 16 godina organiziraju Lider i Udruga gradova. Susret je i ove godine okupio 500-tinjak sudionika iz

  • Schoolhoods’ Mid-Term Reflection Meeting: Advancing Safe, Green, and Happy Ways to School!

    Parma, Italy | November 13-14, 2024