5412 results

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    Report from visit to Lomza!

    On June 16-18 Sara Jervfors (Head of the Diet Unit in Södertälje) from the Lead Partner and Helena Nordlund, Lead Expert visited Lomza for a bilateral meeting aiming at continuing the Diet for a Green

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    Capturing Economic Opportunities: How can Cities Carve out New Growth Paths?

    European cities are confronted with a rapidly changing economy. The crisis has destroyed jobs across both service and manufacturing industries, and has revealed the shakiness of the financial service

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    Prevent - Nantes coup de pouce

    Útmutató az EU döntéshozóinak és irányító hatóságainak a 2014-2020-as Kohéziós Irányelv keretében.

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    Mobility: How Can a City Make the Most of a Railway Hub?

    Railway hubs can be at the same time a tool and an engine for a sustainable urban and territorial development of the surrounding areas. ENTER.HUB project recommendations tell us how that can be done.

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    The importance for Local Authorities to be active participants in the development of good social inclusion practices

    Roma-NeT invited Dr Soryia Siddique BSc (Hon), MSc, PhD, an elected Elected member Glasgow City Council, to present at ROMACT/ROMED Conference in Roma Inclusion in Brussels.

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    On the front line: Food, cities and integrated urban development

    When did food become so important? 

    In the TV series Mad Men, there’s a great moment set in the early 60s. In this episode, Don Draper—central advertising character—notices that the Beatles seem to be

  • Articles

    Communication Channels for the City: Old Formulas Revisited and New Paths

    Integrated city branding is not about logos & campaigns, but building up unifying and updated narratives of the contemporary city. That´s in essence the brand concept when applied to cities and places

  • Bring Up

    Please note that this project ended after the Development Phase.Brownfield problems have been one of the major concerns of European policies since the 80s in the regions of industrial tradition accelerated by the integration of the new central European member states. Nevertheless as indicator of the ongoing restructuration of the European economy, the rate of brownfields remains on a high level and the current economic and financial crisis will led to considerable new problems including brownfields from commerce, housing and tourist sector. In particular, significant impacts are seen in the remaining high often still increasing rate of urban brownfields. The financial crisis has fundamentally changed the environment for private and public redevelopment strategies.

  • Common Sense

    Please note that this projet ended after the Development Phase.Common Sense is an innovative European platform of Managing Authorities and Cities who want to jointly create new opportunities for cities starting from their own responsibilities. By reinforcing their cooperation, the Managing Authorities and Cities intend to stimulate the effort and effectiveness of the European resources in the cities in order to get a better implementation of an integrated and a sustainable urban development.
