
Discover the URBACT Networks, their cities, their plans,  and recommendations. An URBACT network brings together EU cities willing to exchange ideas and produce integrated local policies with the help of their peers, local stakeholders and URBACT experts. Cities can join three types of URBACT Networks, Action Planning, Transfer and the Innovation Transfer Mechanism, following calls for proposals.

Interested in taking part in an URBACT Network? Find out more about the upcoming calls for Networks, how to join a Network as an expert or how to become a Local URBACT Group member, get involved!   


  • Healthy Ageing

    Exchange knowledge, tools and expertise to promote active & healthy ageing and age-friendly environments in cities.

  • TOGETHER for Territories of Coresponsibility

    Social inclusion and well being in cities can hardly be reached without close cooperation between public authorities, citizens and private stakeholders following a principle of co-responsibility.

  • Urban Green Labs

    Promoting citizens engagement in upgrading urban green spaces

  • CSI Europe

    The aim of the JESSICA initiative is to support “sustainable investment in cities”. Through the implementation of the initiative, Urban Development Funds are emerging as potentially powerful tools to pursue sustainable urban transformation. CSI Europe will build upon the achievements to date to improve the effectiveness of current delivery and future potential.

  • CityRegion.Net

    Develop new structures and tools that make it possible to improve collaboration on the "city-region" level.

  • OPENCities

    Explore how cities can attract and retain migrant populations and what initiatives cities can employ to make themselves a popular choice with international workers.


    Involving parents in the prevention of early school leaving

  • RUnUP

    Developing “triple helix” structures in which municipalities, university and businesses shared a common vision and ambition.

  • USER

    A core USER idea is that the design of urban public spaces and the main goals of urban planning are challenged by rapid changes in how cities are used. New trends in how public spaces are used, what the new users’ needs are, increasing malfunctions and conflicts among uses, etc., are challenging the way the city is usually “produced”, designed and managed.
